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Sleep Disorders
It's Not Normal
To Snore
To Sleep In Another Bedroom
To Be Tired All Day
To Wake Up With Your Heart Racing
To Have Poor School Performance
To Stop breathing or Gasp For Air
To Have High Blood Pressure
To Have A Dry Mouth
To Experience Forgetfulness
To Be Irritable
To Experience Weight Gain
Many sleep disorders begin in the mouth. Tonsils, tongue irregularities, crooked teeth, and arches can all affect airway performance. Anything that diminishes airway performance can lead to a host of chronic symptoms. We administer a simple and inexpensive home study that can answer any questions and put you on a path to recovery. Many times, a small comfortable appliance can be made that dramatically improves your airway performance. In more serious cases, a medical consultation for Sleep Apnea is required to provide life-saving airway therapy.
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